Avoiding a America-Iran: Escalation.Risks of a Larger Conflict, as Officials Warn”


None of the American counterattacks—including the most recent one in Iran that struck multiple terrorists connected to the Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah—have so far resulted in an increase in hostilities. The most recent strike happened on November 23, one day before a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza conflict was announced, according to a statement released by … Read more

Huawei: Detention Saga: Fueling the America-China Trade Firestorm 5G

Huawei: Detention Saga: Fueling the America-China Trade Firestorm 5G

Huawei’s equipment is not allowed to be used on US networks due to possible espionage threats. The Trump administration harshly punished ZTE Corp., Huawei’s smaller Chinese rival, for breaking sanctions and aggressively lobbied its friends to abstain from utilizing Huawei goods. Furthermore, because Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co. is suspected of stealing intellectual property from … Read more